Tinylog of jacmoe

   _                                 _     
  (_) __ _  ___ _ __ ___   ___   ___( )___ 
  | |/ _` |/ __| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ / _ \// __|
  | | (_| | (__| | | | | | (_) |  __/ \__ \
 _/ |\__,_|\___|_| |_| |_|\___/ \___| |___/
  ___     _               ___                 _             
 / __|  _| |__  ___ _ _  / __| ___  __ _ _ __| |__  _____ __
| (_| || | '_ \/ -_) '_| \__ \/ _ \/ _` | '_ \ '_ \/ _ \ \ /
 \___\_, |_.__/\___|_|   |___/\___/\__,_| .__/_.__/\___/_\_\
     |__/                               |_|                 
Copyright 2023 Jacob Moena. CC BY-SA 4.0.

2023-08-29 19:37:10 CEST

I have now moved my site to tilde.team. And am now generating the HTML mirror using Gemtexter. Looking forward to be spending time with the community at tilde.team!

2023-03-18 09:25:10 CET

At the web I constantly have the feeling of posting into the void. Here, in the Smolnet, I know that I am. Should anyone happen to stumble upon this tinylog, it is going to be an unexpected bonus. And that is a consolation, and quite a bit liberating, I think!

2023-03-17 13:41:10 CET

Busy getting my bearings in this entirely new universe. Very exciting! And really digging that everything is pure, unadulterated text! 😁

2023-03-14 21:00:10 UTC

Launching jacmoe.pollux.casa capsule !

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